Home-Based Therapy

Our licensed therapists provide strengths-based therapy to address a range of behavioral and mental health issues. We view problematic behaviors as a client’s attempt to deal with trauma or emotional pain, and we work with clients to develop healthier ways of managing their emotions and having their needs met. Clinical services include individual, family and group therapy utilizing evidenced based models. Our clinicians work collaboratively with other existing services within the treatment team as well as with law enforcement, medical and psychiatric professionals, schools, and community supports to foster the best possible outcomes.

Home-Based Casework

Our dynamic team of Caseworkers provide a variety of services to help safely maintain children in their home, support and stabilize families, and promote the general well-being of the family unit. Working collaboratively with clients, our caseworkers can help connect families to community resources, develop budgeting skills, provide life skill training, parenting education and other supportive services to meet the unique needs of families.

Service Support Aide

Homemakers/parent aids provide assistance and support for adults who are struggling to fulfill parenting or homemaking functions. Homemakers work with our clients by advocating, teaching, coaching, and modeling behaviors that will help clients develop new skills and increased knowledge to manage their homes safely and adequately.

Supervised Visitation

Our team of qualified staff members provide supervised visitation between children and parents. The goal of visits it to support and strengthen the parent-child relationship while ensuring child safety through observations. Supervised visitations can be held in office, in the community and in the home.

Family Preservation

The goal of Family Preservation services is to help families stay together in a safe home environment and avoid the need for a child’s out of home placement. Intensive, home-based services are provided to the family to address the problems that led to involvement with DCS. Family Preservation services are short term and intended to improve family functioning and help parents develop skills to safely maintain their children in the home.

Parent Education

Parent education programs are offered in both individual and group settings. We serve clients whose children are involved with Juvenile Probation or who have an open case with DCS. We educate parents about child development, developmental milestones, discipline techniques, communication strategies, self-care, and other issues that can help them better understand and respond to the unique needs of their children.

Father Engagement

Fathers involved with DCS work with Keys staff to support and strengthen the relationship with their children. Staff work alongside DCS case managers to successfully engage fathers in services that will improve safety, stability, well-being, and permanency for their children.



Educational Advocates develop and implement personalized programs to support a client’s academic success and ensure school compliance.  Using standardized assessments, collaboration with teachers and parents, and individual work with the child, tutors address a range of academic challenges presented by our clients.

Truancy Termination

Clients in this unique program are assigned an educational advocate and caseworker who work cooperatively to ensure the child attends school regularly and improves their academics. Group modules are included in this program for both parents and youth to attend. Our team approach to treatment involves working with the child and family to identify the barriers that led to truancy.

Keys Academy

Keys Academy is located in our South Bend Office and provides assistance with school-assigned academic work for clients that have not succeeded in a traditional public-school setting. Clients are assessed to determine their level of academic functioning using Edmentum Assessments and programming is centered around client’s individual needs. PLATO Credit Recovery is available to clients that need HS credits.


Substance Use Disorder Assessments

Clients are referred for an Assessment when there are questions or concerns about substance use or addiction. The evaluation is used to determine if there is a substance issue, assess the client’s level of functioning, and make recommendations regarding the type of treatment or interventions that are necessary to address any identified needs.

Substance Use Outpatient Treatment

Substance use treatment is offered to clients who have a documented need for intervention services. Our therapists offer both group and individual therapy using an evidence-based curriculum for treatment. Treatment involves multiple components including education about addiction and substance use, social emotional skill development, the strengthening of communication skills, importance of self-care and other meaningful topics.